Our office hours are currently Monday, 10am-5:30pm, and Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am-5pm.

If you would like to come in for care, please call the office at (301) 330-5666 and leave a voicemail with our answering service.

For new or current patients who do not want to come into the office, we are also offering Telehealth video visits. Please call to schedule.

We are here to help you, and please stay safe!

  • Keep Your Feet Flowing: Blood Flow and Circulation in the Lower Extremities

    February is American Heart Month, a timely reminder to prioritize our cardiovascular well-being. However, while most focus remains on the heart itself, its connection to our feet and lower extremities tends to go unnoticed.

    The truth is that healthy blood flow and circulation are crucial for happy, healthy feet. Let the team at Kentlands Foot & Ankle Center delve into this vital relationship for you! Together, we’ll explore how to keep your feet flowing freely.

    Heart Health Basics

    Your heart pumps tirelessly and constantly, sending oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any problems.

    When the Flow Filters

    Disruptions to your circulation tend to translate into problems for your feet.

    • Conditions like peripheral artery disease (PAD) – which affects nearly 34 million Americans – narrow arteries, restricting blood flow to the lower extremities.
    • This can lead to symptoms such as pain, numbness, and even tissue damage in severe cases.

    Circulation Education

    Fortunately, several measures can promote healthy blood flow and circulation in your feet:

    • Regular exercise, including walking, improves circulation throughout your body, including your lower extremities.
    • Avoid tight shoes that constrict blood vessels in your feet.
    • If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, work with your doctor to manage these conditions effectively.
    • Consult a podiatrist promptly for any concerns like pain, numbness, or changes in skin color or texture.

    When in doubt, it never hurts to consult a DPM with a proven reputation for knowing how to handle all kinds of foot and ankle complications!

    Schedule a comprehensive foot examination with Kentlands Foot and Ankle Center podiatrist Dr. Jon M. Sherman. To make your appointment, please call our office at 301-330-5666.

  • Maintain A Healthy Heart

    February isn’t just for lovers. American Heart Month also reminds us to take care of our hearts and consider our risk factors. In honor of American Heart Month, our team of specialists are dedicating this post to improving heart health among our patients by sharing 5 fun activities you can participate in to maintain a healthy heart.

    5 Fun Activities to Maintain a Healthy Heart

    Get Moving. Looking to boost your heart health without going for a jog? Try aerobic physical activities, or opt for another cardio option like a neighborhood walk with your family. Whatever gets your body moving and your heart pumping! To get the ball rolling, here are some moderate-intensity exercises for your heart and lungs that you can do to improve heart health:

    • Brisk walking
    • Play Tennis
    • Swim or Participate in Water Aerobics
    • Join A Cycling Class
    • Go On a Hike

    Cuddle. Looking to reduce your stress levels? Cuddling with a pet or a loved one has been shown to reduce stress levels, which is one of the leading causes of heart disease. During American Heart Month, give your pet extra cuddles, take a walk for some aerobic physical activity, or adopt a furry friend. Your heart and theirs will definitely appreciate it!

    Have A Piece of Dark Chocolate Before Bedtime. There is a study showing that all kinds of chocolate may help lower your risk of heart problems. If dark chocolate is your favorite sweet treat, you’re in luck. Dark chocolate contains less sugar, a higher ratio of cocoa, and more antioxidants. Eating a piece of dark chocolate may even help you balance your cholesterol!

    Have A Good Laugh. When was the last time you laughed so hard, you began to tear-up? There is research showing the greater your sense of humor is, the lower the risk you have of developing heart disease. Laughing at humorous things also helps battle against distressing emotions like depression, anxiety, and anger, all of which increase the likelihood of heart problems. The saying “Laughter is the best medicine” truly does hit home with this heart healthy activity.

    Don’t Skip Breakfast. Breakfast can be the most common meal of the day to skip. We have all had those early mornings with no energy or appetite. A study of over 4,000 participants found that those who get less than five percent of their daily calories from breakfast (100 of the 2,000 recommended for women) were more likely to have clogged and damaged arteries than those who eat a high-energy breakfast (over 400 calories for women). So grab your fresh fruit, whip up some eggs, and improve your heart health with a tasty breakfast every day!

    Schedule a comprehensive foot examination with Kentlands Foot and Ankle Center podiatrist, Dr. Jon M. Sherman, at our Montgomery office. To schedule your appointment, please call our office at 301-330-5666.